Chapter 3 - The Day After

1987 September 11

Created by Joanna 12 years ago
I could never have predicted what today would bring! This morning I was wheelchaired down to the SCBU to see my little boy. I saw him in his little metal tray, they said he was very poorly. His lungs weren't properly formed, he was about 6-7 weeks premature. I don't remember exact timings and events, as it is now nearly 25 years ago. I'll do my best. This was the first time I was allowed to cuddle him. They took all the wires off they needed to and he took his last breaths while I was holding him. I didn't let him go for hours after. We were allowed to stay with him for as long as we wanted to. There were a couple of photos taken. Peter's mum Maureen, My mum, dad and my two brothers were there. No-one else met him. Earlier that morning the Chaplain of the Hospital came and we had a little service to baptize him. We were presented with a certificate, which I have kept. I am not religious, but I have to say it was a nice touch. Finally I had to give him up. I can't remember anymore of that day. I never saw Daniel Robert Mark again.