Chapter 1 - The Lead Up

1987 March - September

Created by Joanna 12 years ago
March 1987 - This is the month I found out I was pregnant. My Mum knew all along from the day I missed my period. She was very understanding. May 1987 - We didn't tell my Dad until the May, he wasn't happy. I think he was shocked that his little girl was growing up. I was just 18 years old. It is very young. Myself and Peter, my partner at the time, had a chat and decided we would go through with the pregnancy and muddle along with what little we had. At the doctors I was given a little brown envelope with all the paperwork for me and the baby. Every month I visited the doctor for a check up. All was fine, progress charts completed. Baby seemed to be doing well, no reason for any concern. My bump grew. People would look at my tummy then my face, some in disgust - I felt some people judged me, and thought she's a bit young to be having a baby. I did feel ashamed and embarrassed some days. Myself and my mum went to the council to add our names to the list of housing. They gave me a card entitled C1 I think it was. Never heard from them again. Only to revisit to have the C1 crossed out after the event. End May 1987 - I think this was about the time we left our home in Sunny Croft and went to live with my Brother Tony in the town in his little bed-sit. Dad decided he didn't want a child in his house. My mum and I slept on his sofa-bed until I went into hospital. How can I ever repay him for his kindness?